Any soil or nutrient solution used for the infected geranium cuttings should not be reused, and should be discarded out of the greenhouse. Sanitize the whole greenhouse including pots, tools, and benches (anything used in the geranium production) with 10% bleach or other efficient disinfectants. Keeping infected plants in the greenhouse will only spread the disease. The bacteria can be spread by simply splashing irrigation water or touching the plants. In order to correct the problem for this season I would advise to get rid of all the geraniums infected with the bacterial leaf spot. There are currently no corrective chemical or biological sprays to cure or protect the geranium plants infected. This technique will work with Xanthomonas and Ralstonia vascular infections. Example of bacterial streaming out of a tomato stem due to southern bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. You can also confirm this pathogen by microscopy and culturing.įig 2. The bacterial streaming should immediately ooze out in loose strands forming a cloudy film at the bottom of the glass. First pierce a small sharp scalpel into either an infected leaf or stem, and set them on top of water in a clear container. If the leaf tissue or stems infected with the bacterial leaf spot are dissected or cut open and set on top of water you can see bacterial streaming in the water from the plant tissue. Photo courtesy of Margery Daughtry (Cornell Cooperative Extension). Symptoms of circular necrotic spots and necrotic/chlorotic V-shaped tissue on a geranium leaf. Advanced infection can result in wilting of the leaves and stems of the plant, frequently followed by stem rot and plant death.įig 1.

Symptoms of this disease include circular water soaked spots (2-3 mm) on the leaf surface (usually caused by splashed irrigation water), as well as V-shaped necrotic and/or chlorotic tissue on the margins of the leaf. pelargonii can infect Geranium ( Pelargonium x hortorum) and especially Geranium cuttings in your greenhouse production. Bacterial leaf spot caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv.